Sunday, April 5, 2009

How far we've come!

Amazingly, Roo has been doing awesome. So much has gone on these last couple of weeks.

To recap:

March 21st: 1/2 day seminar with Abby Tamber- Start line stays

He was just great. I was so impressed that he did well with new dogs and people and kept his focus.

I learned that sometimes his set isn't as obvious as I thought. When I go, "READY!" Sometimes, it's just a flick of his ears that tells me he's got it.

March 22nd: a full day of handling with Abby. I am so impressed that my little boy did it! He worked all day, never gave up and never stressed out. I couldn't have been prouder of him. Or so I thought.

March 27th: Kathy and I took Roo and Bodie to run throughs at High Goal Farm, the place where he was trailing. the whole point was to get him to work in a trial like atmosphere. By the time we ran it was just us and one other person! Oh well. He did his first run fine, and then watched Bodie. Second time through, he bailed off the dog walk. Was he copying his BBFF (best blue friend forever) Bodie? Who knows. But he would not do the dog walk. Also, he left the ring to go visit his BBFF. It was at the finish line, but still! Bodie was a good boy- snarked at him and Roo came right back!!

March 29th- THE BIG DAY!!!!!!

Roo was entered in one run in his first trial!!!!!

He was just entered in Fullhouse, a game where we get to run our own course.

you can see for yourself how he did:

Not to the uninitiated this might not seem like the best run. However, he stayed with me and did most of what of I asked of him. Not bad for a baby boy I spend most of my day calling knucklehead!

Here is a link to some great photos Barry took of him:

wound up he qualified and took first. OK he was the only dog in his jump height, but still pretty cool.

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