Sunday, May 16, 2010

Roo the Rockstar!

Well we keep plugging away at this whole agility thing. I thought we had a teeter issue, but I guess now we don't know how to do WEAVES! Here is the video from his latest trial- Jazz at High Goal Farm on 5-15-10

I really like how he is moving ahead of me here and getting faster. He got more points in full house than smudge did!
Next we played Standard. Had a couple of off courses before we got to our nemisis- the teeter! so excited he did his teeter, did not make him go back and do the tire.

In Wildcard I wanted the weaves again, but Roo had other ideas. His course was actually faster!

Finally we ended with colors. Roo said- "I can not do more weaves Momma!" I guess I know what we will be working on this week.

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